Bienvenue à
Ligmincha learning
Bienvenue sur la plateforme de Ligmincha Learning! Nous vous proposons des cours en ligne extraits des enseignements de la tradition de sagesse Bön du Tibet. Tous nos cours de méditation ont été co-créés par Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, nos lamas résidents et nos instructors afin de pouvoir vous offrir une expérience claire and authentiques des enseignements de la tradition tibétaine sur la méditation et la pratique spirituelle. Nos cours sont composés d’enseignements video pré-enregistrés, de méditation guidées, de lectures, de réflexions écrites, et d’opportunités d’interagir avec nos mentors expérimentés et d’autres pratiquants venant du monde entier.

Cours Gratuits

Commencer une pratique de méditation
Gratuit – Inscrivez-vous à tout moment
Ce cours gratuit à suivre à votre rythme est conçu pour les personnes qui souhaitent commencer à méditer quotidiennement. Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoché, le fondateur et principal enseignant de Ligmincha International, donne des instructions pour des pratiques simples que chacun peut faire par lui-même, notamment : une méditation sur la tranquillité et l’espace, les neuf respirations purificatrices, Demeurer dans le calme et les exercices de Tsa Lung. À l’issue de ce cours, vous aurez acquis les compétences nécessaires pour une pratique quotidienne simple de la méditation qui peut améliorer de nombreuses dimensions de votre vie.
English Courses

Sleep Yoga:
The Yoga of Clear Light
July 8 – August 6, 2022
We spend one-third of our life in sleep, yet for most people sleep is a period of unconsciousness. Through the practices of the Yoga of Clear Light we can learn to be completely aware during out sleep, open, clear, resting in deep meditative presence. But how do we get from our current stress and disrupted sleep patterns to the state of clear light?
The course will introduce simple techniques to enter into sleep in a healthy, balanced way. Even if we do not consistently enter into clear light sleep, we can benefit from a refreshing, relaxed sleep that gives us deep renewal. This is supported by breathing techniques, physical postures and guided visualizations. Tenzin Rinpoche will also provide a meditations to wake up in a beautiful way, feeling the blessings of sleep and stepping into our day with serenity. Through these simple practices we can transform our sleep to be one of tranquility and awareness.

Transforming our Emotions Through the Six Lokas
September 2 – October 23, 2022
At one time or another each of us suffer strong emotions that throw us off balance, cause us to act in ways that we later regret, and make us lose touch with our true nature. Centuries ago the masters of the Bön lineage developed the meditations of the Six Lokas specifically to remedy this situation, to help us live our lives in a balanced and relaxed way.
The meditations focus on the root causes of our suffering: anger, desire, greed, ignorance, jealousy, pride and laziness. Through each meditation we examine our habitual patterns so that we may recognize them, then through the enlightened energy of the Buddhas to purify and transform us so that we and all other beings might not continue to suffer in this way. The practices have a deep healing and transformative power, and are traditionally practiced at length as a preliminary to dzogchen contemplation.

Treasures of Bön History, Lineage & Practices
September 16 – October 22, 2022
Bön counts itself among the oldest spiritual traditions in the world. With origins steeped in an oral, shamanic tradition and yet deeply rooted in teachings of the buddha Tonpa Shenrap, the buddha who preceded Shakyamuni Buddha. Bön offers practices for the challenges we face in our lives, and a complete path to enlightenment.
This course is ideal for anyone who would like to learn more about, or deepen their existing knowledge about this ancient, profound tradition. This course is ideal for beginners who have recently connected with Bön teachings, and want to know more about where it comes from and the many varied forms of practice in the tradition. It is also well suited for practitioners who have learned several practices and would like to know how all the practices fit together into a beautiful and complete system of philosophies and meditations.

The Three Heart Mantras
October 7 – November 12, 2022
The Three Heart Mantras are used in many different meditations in the Bön tradition, and play a major role in the ngrondro practices. They are said to be the essence of enlightenment in sound and energy, and as we sing or chant the mantras our awareness is transformed to be in union with the Buddhas. They are used for purification, protection, and as primary practices toward self realization.
This course will be complemented by full moon practices in which our worldwide sangha will recite these profound mantras together.

The Five Elements, Healing with Form Energy and Light
October 21 – December 3, 2022
In this course Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche explores how each of the five elements relates to our daily experiences, emotions, and relationships. Rinpoche guides meditations for each of the elements, designed to help clear our obstacles and bring balance to our lives. Each section of the course includes a video of Rinpoche’s teaching, Rinpoche leading a guided meditation, readings from Healing with Form, Energy and Light, and assignments for journal writing, discussion, formal and informal practice. The course is designed so that you may integrate study and practice into your everyday routine, learning at your own pace, yet enjoying the support of classmates and the course mentor.

Sherap Chamma Mother of Wisdom and Love
Nocember 18 – December 3, 2022
Ligmincha Learning is pleased to announce that we will be offering our course introducing the practices of Sherap Chamma the Mother of Wisdom and Love, taught by Marcy Vaughn .
In many cultures the primordial female energy is seen as the origin of existence and the source of all positive qualities. Sherap Chamma, Mother of Wisdom and Love, is the source of wisdom, and her medicine is love and compassion. The teachings of Sherap Chamma comprise one of the most important tantric cycles of the ancient Bön tradition.
Free English Courses
We offer a variety of free self-paced courses that are open at all times. We recommend our Starting a Meditation Practice courses for everyone with an interest in meditation. Many of our free courses are based upon free live webcasts, which have been recorded and edited to create courses. Our paid courses are more carefully designed and produced and are guided by a mentor.

Starting a Meditation Practice
Free – Enroll at any time
This free, self-paced course is designed for people who would like to begin meditating on a daily basis. Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, the founder and principle teacher of Ligmincha International, provides instruction for simple practices that anyone can do on their own including: a meditation on stillness and spaciousness, the Nine Breathings of Purification, Calm Abiding, and the Tsa Lung exercises. After completing this course you will have the skills you need for a simple daily meditation practice that can improve many dimensions of your life.

The True Source of Healing
Free – Enroll at any time
The practices of Soul Retrieval can help you tap into the ultimate source of healing. They can help you to:
- Avoid losing your vitality when faced with difficult life challenges.
- Revitalize your personal life, family life and professional life.
- Recognize powerful internal and external sources of healing.
- Experience healing on all levels—physically, energetically, psychologically and spiritually.
- Come home to your inherently joyful and creative nature.
- Bring increased happiness and well-being to others.
- Progress on the path to higher liberation.

Living with Joy, Dying in Peace
Free – Enroll at any time
The more attached we are to our loved ones, our possessions, and our sense of identity, the more we suffer. Realizing this truth frees us to find joy in each simple moment of life, and peace at the moment of death. According to the Tibetan spiritual traditions, living and dying are part of a sacred continuum. Death need not be considered a failure, negative, or even a loss; rather, it is a transition toward a new beginning.

Transforming Your World Through Service
Free – Enroll at any time
Serving others is fundamental to our personal spiritual development. Our commitment to making a difference for others and the world can fill our life with love and joy, but requires a strong foundation of wisdom and compassion. This course will help you become as effective as possible in your service to others.

Free and ongoing
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche has launched CyberSangha as a way for you to connect with him, the ancient Tibetan teachings, and fellow students around the world through regular live broadcasts that can be easily viewed on Rinpoche’s Facebook page. All broadcasts are free and open to all—you don’t need a Facebook account to view them. Click to learn more about CyberSangha, view the current schedule of upcoming broadcasts, and access a searchable archive of hundreds of recorded teachings and guided meditations.
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"The Voice of Clear LIght"
Abonnez-vous à notre bulletin d'information international bimensuel pour connaître les cours à venir et les nouveaux cours dès leur parution, ainsi que les nouvelles de tous nos centres et enseignants dans le monde entier. La traduction française n’est pas encore disponible.