The Ligmincha Curriculum: the Nine Ways of Bön
Foundations of the Path
This overview course explores the historical background of the tradition, and the life and teachings of its founder, Tonpa Sherab Miwoche. Each of the four major vehicles are introduced, comparing the view and methods of the causal vehicle, sutra, tantra and dzogchen. This course is a great place to start, or to help one synthesize teachings that one has received. For more information see our Treasures of Bön course description.
Other courses we offer in this category are our free Starting a Meditation Practice courses, and our Tibetan Language courses .

The Causal Vehicle
The practices and view of the Causal Vehicle in introduced in our Treasures of Bön course. The Five Elements practices may be approached from the Causal or Tantric views.

Sutra: Path of Virtue
These topics are introduced in our Treasures of Bön course, and discussed fully in our Ngöndo: Foundations of the Path course.

Tantra: Path of Transformation
Tantra is the path of transformation, integration, and clear vision. The tantras help us understand that the source of suffering is our own perception of reality, attachments to our habits, and reluctance to change. Through the transformative practices of tantra we can begin to experience our world as a divine dance, a dance which we can enjoy in every moment.
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche teaches from a variety of tantras including those of Sherap Chamma and the Red Garuda, but most frequently our teachings are drawn from the Ma Gyud, or Mother Tantra, the highest of the tantras in the Bon Buddhist lineage. The Ma Gyud includes the practices of dream and sleep yogas, tsa lung, the transformation at the time of death, the Chöd of cutting attachments. We have developed a series of courses that address a variety of these topics.
The view and methods of tantra are introduced in our Treasures of Bön course. Our free Starting a Meditation Practice courses introduce simple practices such as the 9 breathings or purification and tsa lung. Another good introductory level course is the Three Heart Mantras, which goes into the use of sacred sound and mantras in depth.
Our courses in the tantric traditions include the Six Realms of Existence – transforming our emotions, which supports the purification of our negative habits and the cultivation of virtuous dimensions of our being.
Our courses on Sleep Yoga, and Meditation, Breath and Movement include practices from the Mother Tantra, or Ma Gyud. Sleep Yoga is a method to rest in clear light meditation while asleep. The Tsa Lung exercises, outer, inner and secret, are taught in the Meditation, Breath and Movement course. These practices support our physical, emotional and mental health, and clear the mind making it easier to perform all other types of meditation.
In our Five Elements course course we learn practices fundamental to tantra, as well as the Causal Vehicle and Dzogchen. Through the practices of the elements we discover our elemental tendencies, and how to rebalance our bodies, our actions and our minds.
Our course on the practice of Sherap Chamma, the wise and loving divine mother, introduces how to connect directly with presence through deity yoga.
Through this broad variety of courses you may become well versed in a variety of different meditation methods rooted in the tantric traditions.

Dzogchen: Path of Clear Light
Since Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche is a dzogchen master, all of our courses are from the view of dzogchen. A good introduction to the view of dzogchen is provided in our Treasures of Bön and Starting a Meditation Practice courses. The Six Lokas is traditionally the purification mediation that is done prior to beginning dzogchen meditation practices.

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