Transforming Your World Through Service

Course Dates
Open at all times, self paced
Serving others is fundamental to our personal spiritual development. Our commitment to making a difference for others and the world can fill our life with love and joy, but requires a strong foundation of wisdom and compassion.
In this series of teachings and guided meditations, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche shares:
The fundamentals of enlightened leadership.
Meditation practices for cultivating wisdom and compassion.
How to rise above your ego to connect with a sense of collective purpose.
The best ways to inspire others to serve.
This free course is based on the series of live webcasts on Transforming Your World Through Service offered by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche through Ligmincha International in 2016. Some of the recordings will refer to the webcast format and include questions from the audience. In each section we have provided a page with each full webcast, and also divided each webcast into its teaching and meditations segments, so you can quickly move to the sections that interests you.
The course is organized in six sections:
Part 1: The Value of Enlightened Leadership
Part 2: Cultivating Wisdom
Part 3: Generating Compassion
Part 4: Service and Spirituality
Part 5: Inspiring Others to Serve
Part 6: Questions and Answers
The course videos were produced in HD, for the highest quality playback on fast network connections. All 17 videos in the course scale back for slower broadband connections, and also will play on iPads and other mobile devices. We think you will find the course stimulating, educational, and a great support to transforming how you work with emotions within your life.
Of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s many books, Spontaneous Creativity complements the materials in this course very nicely. You may order Spontaneous Creativity from the Ligmincha Bookstore. We hope that all enjoy and benefit from these teachings and meditations.

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