Living With Joy, Dying in Peace
This free course is based on a series of live webcasts offered by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche through Ligmincha International in 2016-17.

Course Dates
Open at all times, self paced.
The more attached we are to our loved ones, our possessions, and our sense of identity, the more we suffer. Realizing this truth frees us to find joy in each simple moment of life, and peace at the moment of death. According to the Tibetan spiritual traditions, living and dying are part of a sacred continuum. Death need not be considered a failure, negative, or even a loss; rather, it is a transition toward a new beginning.
In this series of teachings and guided meditations, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will help you to:
Let go of your false identity and discover who you truly are.
Free yourself from fears and attachments.
Find more hope and joy in life.
Understand the dying process as a pathway to wisdom and rebirth.
Recognize the parallels between dying and falling asleep.
Find peace with your own death.
Help others through sickness and death.
This self-paced online course is open to everyone, from the young and healthy to those who are facing death, as well as their caregivers. It is based on a series of live webcasts offered by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche through Ligmincha International in 2016-17. Here, you will find all the recordings and related support materials in a well organized course.
The self-paced course is organized into six parts:
Part 1: Releasing Attachments, Finding Freedom and Joy
Part 2: Transcending Fear, Finding Hope
Part 3: Discovering Awareness in the Sleep State
Part 4: Sleep and Death as Doorways to Wisdom
Part 5: Finding Peace with Death
Part 6: Helping Loved Ones Through Sickness and Death
Sections include video recordings, MP3 audio downloads, and written support materials. The course is entirely self paced, and does not include discussion groups. We hope you will enroll and enjoy these wonderful practices.

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